EIN #75-2848881

Twenty – First Century Learning Grant

Our goal for the new Twenty First Century Learning Grant is to spark exploration of innovative and collaborative initiatives at the campus level that support future-ready learning strategies. The Foundation encourages EMS ISD campuses and teachers to submit grant applications for programs, equipment or initiatives that supports the District’s strategic direction, supplement curriculum and enhance efforts to promote collaboration, engagement, digital literacy, critical thinking, problem solving, and global mindedness. It should be a tool to re-imagine and create the education experience that will support our students in the future.

Max funding is $ 10,000.

Applicants should complete the grant application form, following instructions carefully and submit by the deadline listed. Only one grant request per teacher will be accepted. Prior to submission, the grant request should be reviewed and verified with Technology departments. All questions must be answered fully for grant to be considered.

Ensure requested hardware/software is supported by the district.

The Board Committee will review all applications and provide a recommendation to the Board of Directors for funding. All decisions are final. Applications may also be reviewed by technology and curriculum departments for compatibility and continuity.

Grant applications have closed for the year 2022.